The Obesity Collective recently issued a response to the recent Public consultation on the refresh of the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions by Australian Government Department of Health. The Framework provides guidance for people developing and...
On March 4th 2024 The Obesity Collective launched a new report A Time for Action, which looks at the most recent statistics and calls for collective action to improve the health and wellbeing of Australians. In the past 20 years, Australian governments have...
We were grateful to be invited to attend and speak at the 2023 Australia New Zealand Obesity Society (ANZOS) Annual Scientific Meeting in October. It was a fantastic opportunity to collaborate and share knowledge among the leaders in public health, clinical practice,...
The Conversation posted an article last week, titled “Should GPs bring up a patient’s weight in consultations about other matters? We asked 5 experts.” Our stigma expert group drafted a response to this. It is an important topic but one that...
We are inviting our new members to join us on social media for a new campaign, #TOCmember Social media is a powerful tool we can use for social change. We’ve initiated the #TOCmember campaign because many members have asked us how they can spread the word about...