The Obesity Collective was invited to present to the Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport’s Inquiry into Diabetes in Australia on Nov 17th at Parliament House. The three major points in our opening statement included: The oversimplification of obesity is...
Creating supportive and sustainable environments plays a crucial role in promoting healthier eating habits and overall wellbeing. Both the National Obesity Strategy and the National Prevention Strategy emphasize the importance of food environments, and as...
Promoting positive nutrition and overall health helps to establish supportive and healthier environments. The significance of food environments is underscored by both the National Obesity Strategy and the National Prevention Strategy. Thankfully, there exist...
Creating supportive and healthier environments is vital for promoting positive nutrition and overall health. Both the National Obesity Strategy and the National Prevention Strategy emphasize the importance of food environments, and as advocates, we are continually...
We are inviting our new members to join us on social media for a new campaign, #TOCmember Social media is a powerful tool we can use for social change. We’ve initiated the #TOCmember campaign because many members have asked us how they can spread the word about...
We are thrilled that Australia’s clinical practice guidelines for the management of obesity are being updated! Australia’s previous clinical guidelines were first published in 2010 and were rescinded in 2018, leaving clinicians without guidelines or a framework of...