Our work

Weight stigma awareness

The harms of weight stigma
We believe that education on the science and reality of obesity, and the harm that stigma does, is needed to reduce weight stigma.
‘More than meets the eye’ campaign

For EVERY BODY there is more than meets the eye.
More Than Meets the Eye is a new campaign researched and designed to tackle one of the unknown drivers of obesity and psychological harm: weight stigma.
Sometimes the stigma and shame that people feel is so discouraging that it can affect their mental health and their ability to seek help and support. Judging, blaming and shaming those with obesity doesn’t help anyone, but it does cause harm.
Weight stigma arises from misunderstanding the drivers of obesity and assuming it is only about personal choice. Obesity is complex. It is not just a lifestyle choice – there are also many strong social, biological and environmental drivers that affect people. There is a lot more going on than meets the eye.
Meet Emma – one voice, a shared story
Want to share your story? Or some thoughts?
Media guidelines

Very often, media propagates the myth that obesity is simply due to lifestyle choice and demeans people living with obesity, sometimes using dehumanising images. The Obesity Collective, in collaboration with the Weight Issues Network has developed a media guide that assists media outlets in respectfully reporting on people living with obesity.
If you see a news article or segment that is stigmatising, you can forward these media guidelines to the producers.
Want to transform society with us?
The Obesity Collective is made up of hundreds of individuals from a range of professional, personal and voluntary experiences. Together, we’re transforming the way our society thinks, speaks and acts on obesity. Join today to support anti-stigma campaigns like More Than Meets the Eye and transform society with us.
Obesity – did you know?
Many things can affect your weight, like your genes, biology, psychology and the environments where you work and live. Because there are many causes of obesity, there is not one weight loss approach that works for everyone. Obesity is complex and demands a whole-of-society response.
Resources to better understand obesity:
- Guide to Reporting on Obesity in the Media
- Obesity Narrative Guidance
- Code of Conduct for discussions about Obesity
- Understanding Obesity: what is obesity and what causes it?
- Weight stigma and bias. What is known? A rapid review of evidence
- A pledge to end the social stigma of obesity
A better understanding of the science and reality of obesity is urgently needed
- Weight stigma in Australia: a public health call to action
Obesity Evidence Hub
Credible evidence in one place

Systems Action

Systems response to a complex issue
There are strong social, genetic, biological, historical, and environmental influences on obesity. The rise in obesity prevalence over the last 30 years is mainly in response to modern environments that promote or are conducive to unhealthier foods, stress, physical inactivity, and weight gain.
For some communities, such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the historical contexts are especially relevant. For example, the impact of trauma and removing people off their land affects their health, wellbeing and the way they eat for generations and into today.
Because the development of obesity is so complex, there is no one solution that will reduce the risks and health impacts of obesity for everyone. Australia needs coordinated and sustained action across society, including local communities, business, non-profit organisations, health care, research, and government. Systems level thinking and a broad range of interventions are required such as policy changes, healthier environments, reducing stigma and access to quality care for those that experience the health impacts of obesity.
The Obesity Collective is committed to drawing attention to the opportunities that exist within our systems at all levels of society to reduce the impact of obesity.
Framework for Collective Action
Our Umbrella Framework for Action report is currently in development, with a goal of launch by September 2023. The report provides high level summaries of: the current evidence, action, major agreed gaps and opportunities for improvement in addressing obesity and what actions different stakeholders could take to support the systems changes needed for four major areas of the system: weight stigma, bias and discrimination, healthier environments, lifestyle behaviour change and health services and obesity treatment.
The report draws on the Obesity Collective’s key initiatives and expertise:
- The Obesity Evidence Hub
- The System Activity Mapping
- The campaign to reduce weight stigma
- Support of the Weight Issues Network and the lived experience perspective
- Insights from prevention and treatment experts
- Desktop research
Using this framework, we have been working to break down complex systems concepts into tangible and understandable action areas and options for stakeholders to meaningfully participate. We provide ideas of how you as a community member can take action to help reduce the impacts of obesity in your community. With systems action, everyone has a role to play and there are many opportunities to drive change. The action options were developed to support members from different perspectives:
- Individuals and families
- Healthcare providers
- Researchers and academics
- Local community
- Non-governmental organisations
- Employers/businesses
- Governments
Check out our Actions Hub that puts all these ideas into action.
The Obesity Activity Map

Last updated in 2021, the map is a useful tool for individuals, organisations and institutions who are actively involved in prevention, treatment, or advocacy. It is a snapshot of what was happening in Australia at this time and can be used to identify opportunities for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and innovation across the system.
Included activities have the following characteristics:
- Had at least one of these focus areas: healthy eating, physical activity, medical care, and reduction of stigma
- Was aimed at improving individual behaviours and/or enabling healthier environments
- Was across these one or more of these sectors: government, corporate, non-profit, health care, academia
- May have a population lens such as age, ethnicity, or socio-cultural background
The Umbrella Framework for Action Report and the Actions Hub are due for release on our website by September 2023.
The Obesity Activity Map was last updated in 2021 with no further updates planned at this time due to resourcing. If you or your organisation is interested in assisting with updating the Obesity Activity Map, please contact us
For further information check out our Terms of Use or contact info@theobesitycollective.org.au
The Obesity Collective appreciates the creative contribution Aimee Watson has made by providing the images used for the Obesity Activity Map.
The Obesity Collective acknowledges the contribution of the New South Wales Government for the development of the Obesity Activity Map.
The Obesity Activity Map FAQs
What is the Obesity Activity Map?
Who can use the Obesity Activity Map?
What can I use the Obesity Activity Map for?
How do I use the Obesity Activity Map?
What do the focus areas mean?
- Behaviour change – healthy eating
- Behaviour change – physical activity
- Healthy food environments
- Opportunities for physical activity
- Medical treatment / care
- Reduction of weight stigma
How has the data been categorised?
- Focus Area
- Activity Type
- Organisation sector
- Audience
- Population
- Age
- Location
For more information about how we have organised the database, please visit this page.
How do I download the database?
Why can’t I access the contact information on the database?
What if I know of a resource that has not been listed?
My organisation has been included. Can we take it down?
Can I use the Obesity Activity Map if I am seeking medical advice for the treatment of obesity?
Where does the data in the Obesity Activity Map come from?
Do I need to sign up to Airtable to access data?
Our statements

An important part of the Obesity Collectives work is to draw attention to the opportunities that exist to change the way that Australia thinks, acts and speaks about obesity. We do this through developing and sharing position statements and reports that are co-developed, evidence-based and reflect the science and reality of obesity.
Statement from The Obesity Collective on the availability of Wegovy® in Australia The Obesity Collective responds to the improved availability to the drug semaglutide (the active component of Wegovy®) within Australia.
Weighing In: Australia’s growing obesity epidemic
In 2018, we published an evidence-based report that outlined the urgent need for a society wide collective response to the growing rates of obesity in Australia.
National Call for Action: Clinical guidelines for overweight and obesity
A call to action for the development of clinical guidelines or framework for healthcare professionals to assess, help and manage people with obesity.
Obesity and Healthy At Every Size (HAES)
The Obesity Collective shares most of the core principles of Health at Every Size®. The core difference between the two organisations is that the Obesity Collective accepts the evidence that obesity is a health and societal issue.
Obesity as a disease
We are regularly asked to comment on whether obesity should be classified as a ‘disease’ and have developed this statement to clarify our current view on this important question.
Ozempic shortage supplies
Soaring demand and supply chain issues for a diabetes drug that has also shown significant weight loss benefits has reinforced the need for better healthcare support.
Reporting on obesity responsibly – a review of English language media guidelines
A number of organisations have published guidelines identifying stigmatising reporting practices and proposing non–stigmatising alternatives. This report reviews a range of guidelines and identifies the recommendations which are most widely supported.
Equity and obesity risks
We acknowledge that there are many complex drivers of obesity including social inequity in Australia.
Weight management conversations with primary healthcare providers
This report explores what is happening in primary healthcare consultations in terms of weight management conversations and, whether stigma and bias are relevant, and considerations for action and support.

Education is key to Australians having a better understanding of the science of obesity. The Obesity Collective has developed resources that help to educate on the topic of obesity.
Facts of the matter
We outline four key facts about the reality of obesity.
Understanding Obesity: what to consider about weight management
A resource to assist in developing a plan for weight management.
Recognising health system barriers for supporting patients with obesity
This guide acknowledges some of the major health system barriers for healthcare professionals and provides some high-level considerations in supporting people living with obesity
Safe, inclusive and accessible environments for people with obesity
This quick guide aims to help healthcare professionals consider opportunities to create a more welcoming environment for people with obesity, in addition to other diversity considerations like cultural and gender.
Considerations for discussing weight and health
This quick guide aims to help healthcare professionals with important considerations for how to talk about weight and health with adults in a supportive way.
You don’t have to cope with weight issues alone
This resource from WIN (weight issues network) is helpful for healthcare professionals to share with their patients or to post in a health clinic setting. WIN is the voice of lived experience for people living with and affected by obesity.
What you need to know about GLP-1 medicines
This educational resource offers an overview of GLP-1 medicines and their role in weight management, covering their history, purpose, and addressing common misconceptions.
Stigma-related resources
Guide to Reporting on Obesity in the Media
A guide to respectively representing obesity in the media, free from stigmatising images and language.
Obesity Narrative Guidance
Here we outline our core values around the narrative surrounding obesity.
Code of Conduct for discussions about Obesity
Guiding principles were developed to help maintain a respectful, balanced, and successful conversation around obesity.
Understanding Obesity: what is obesity and what causes it?
A brochure to aid in understanding what obesity is, and appreciate the breadth of causes.
Weight stigma and bias. What is known? A rapid review of evidence
A 2020 report of the evidence and consequences of persisting weight stigma towards those living with obesity.
Obesity, health and nutrition: The role your organisation can play
A report developed with PwC to explore the ways in which organisations can play their part in addressing the societal challenge of obesity through their business strategy, employee engagement, investor practices, policies and more.
Changing perceptions to reduce the stigma of obesity
This research report employed focus groups to explore key triggers and themes to encourage a reduction in weight stigma in the wider community.
Supporting healthcare professionals to reduce weight stigma
This research report offers reflections and recommendations for addressing weight stigma in healthcare, aiming to improve health outcomes for people living with higher weight or obesity and reduce the risk of adverse patient experiences.
Insights from our thought leaders

We have a wonderful mix of community and business leaders, experts and passionate individuals in the Collective and we regularly share their perspectives, work, and research insights through videos. Check out our youtube channel. The Obesity Collective leaders, members and collaborators offer a diverse range of perspectives on obesity as an important health topic, and how systems can adapt to improve the obesity-related health of Australians through the spectrum from prevention to treatment, including the experience of those who live with the condition.
View more videos from our experts here.
Check out some more of our amazing speakers in the clips below.
Raising awareness in the media

- the many drivers of obesity, many outside of individual control
- how obesity is a societal challenge and the impact on individuals
- how the current narrative of personal blame is harmful and a barrier to evidence based action
- the need to create healthier environments in Australia
- how the the health system needs to better support people who want to manage their weight and health goals
When working with the media, we ask them to consider how they frame obesity and refer them to our and WIN’s quick media guide. The Shift Guide is also a good resource for media and communications professionals.