Understanding the Science and Reality of Obesity for Better Patient Care

E-Learning Module

Welcome to the module Understanding the Science and Reality of Obesity for Better Patient Care, where we share information about the science of obesity, personal experiences of patients and healthcare professionals, quick tips for best practice and opportunities to reflect on your practice. Positive interactions with a healthcare professional can help patients better understand the science and complexity of obesity, their personal health risks, and their options in a more empowered way.

This training should take about 1 hour to complete.

Learning objectives for the module

  • Summarise the environmental and biological factors that can influence people’s body weight and risks for obesity
  • Recognise how weight stigma is relevant and can negatively impact patient care
  • Identify opportunities to have better conversations about weight and health in your practice

Introduction Video

Watch this short introduction video with Dr. Terri-Lynne South (General Practitioner with a special interest in obesity, also a registered dietitian, and chairperson of the RACGP Specific Interest in Obesity Medicine group) to learn about why this module may be important for you.


This activity has been endorsed by APNA according to approved quality standards criteria. Completion of these educational activities entitles participants to claim 1 CPD hour.


This activity has been approved by the RACGP for 1 hour Educational Activity.


This activity is accredited for 1 Educational Activity hour through ACRRM CPD.


ACNP Endorsement provides a national benchmark for the education of the nurse practitioner and the provision of advanced nursing care. Completion of these educational activities entitles participants to claim 1 CPD hour.


The ANMF has reviewed and endorsed this e-Learn module. All time spent completing this module can be counted towards the mandatory 20 hours of CPD required for annual nursing or midwifery registration.


This activity has been endorsed by APNA according to approved quality standards criteria. Completion of these educational activities entitles participants to claim 1 CPD hour.


This activity has been approved by the RACGP for 1 hour Educational Activity.


This activity is accredited for 1 Educational Activity hour through ACRRM CPD.


ACNP Endorsement provides a national benchmark for the education of the nurse practitioner and the provision of advanced nursing care. Completion of these educational activities entitles participants to claim 1 CPD hour.


The ANMF has reviewed and endorsed this e-Learn module. All time spent completing this module can be counted towards the mandatory 20 hours of CPD required for annual nursing or midwifery registration.

Thank You

Thank you to the many people who have contributed to this collaboratively developed module. We would like to specifically highlight the above and beyond contributions of Dr. Terri-Lynne South, Andrew Wilson and the Weight Issues Network (WIN) team, Rachel Russell, Catherine Smith, Dr. John Dixon, Dr. Liz Sturgiss and Dr. Kathryn Williams and her team at the Nepean Family Metabolic Health Service. Thank you to NSW Health for financial and project support in developing the module and for a support grant from Impact Obesity.