There has been a lot of media focused on weight stigma in the last few months, off the back of the Public Health Research and Practice paper on weight stigma, led by our Weight Stigma Expert group. It has been a great opportunity to highlight some of the key messages with a broader audience including:
- Weight stigma is harmful to mental and physical health and is present across most areas of public health
- Addressing weight stigma should be a public health priority and requires comprehensive and multidisciplinary action
- The public health focus on individual responsibility has inadvertently contributed to developing and maintaining weight stigma attitudes and discriminatory behaviour
Check out some of the coverage: –
New research calls on Australia’s public health system to extinguish weight stigma
Have you experienced weight stigma? Body shame and blame highlights a problem in our health system
Stigmas around obesity need to change
Australians living with obesity are ‘dehumanised and stereotyped as lazy’, new study finds
The stigma of overweight compromises general health
AUDIO: Is it time to change the narrative around what makes a healthy body?
Experts say body size stigma further damages health