We were grateful to be invited to attend and speak at the Health and Wellbeing Queensland Symposia 2022 in November. It was an opportunity to celebrate the great work of this organisation and the commitment from the Queensland government to invest in the community’s health and wellbeing. Some of our Collective leaders and members have been active supporters through consultations, projects, and even early days brainstorming of what the organisation could look like. We are so happy to see it thriving.
The Symposium was top notch with a range of expert speakers, inspiring stories, healthy food, and some fun. Tiffany participated in a panel that explored the controversial topic: “Can we agree on how to talk about higher body weight?” This topic comes up regularly and it is controversial. Unfortunately, there are no black and white answers or words that everyone agrees on, like many things related to obesity. We do agree on this: stigma is harmful, obesity is a system’s challenge and people should feel safe in the health sector to work on their health goals. Focusing our efforts here makes a lot of sense.
You can watch the full session here