Optional – survey to support research

Thank you for completing the Understanding the science and reality of obesity for better patient care. We now invite you to participate in a short survey (~5 min) to help us better understand perceptions of obesity and the potential impact of the module. The Obesity Collective is working with a group of researchers from across Australia to conduct evaluate these results.

You can support this research by:

  • providing consent for us to include your (de-identified) responses to the module questions in our evaluation and/or
  • Completing the below survey
  • Plus an option to also complete a short follow up survey in about 4 weeks.

All responses will be de-identified before sharing with researchers, so they will not be able to know who you are.  Participation is completely voluntary and will not affect your status as having completed this module or your continuing professional development (CPD) points.

Please read the Participant Information Statement to understand what this study involves for you, including that it is your choice to participate in one or both parts of the study.